A New Approach to Cores

The keys to the efficacy and value of core in the oil and gas industry are accessibility and facility. A digital archive of core imagery enables everyone to read from the same page no matter if they are in Williston, Denver, Luanda or London. More importantly, it centralizes the data in order to forestall the inevitable ‘data hunt’ that accompanies any well.

Our technology solutions allow several medical universities to teach histology, cellular biology and neuroanatomy through virtual microscopy. For the end user, technology developed by PetroArc International dramatically increases the minimum resolution of highly magnified virtual slides. Our images are required viewing at the medical school at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.


Explore our software titles in our software sections or contact us for personalized demonstrations!

PetroArc International


Simple & Powerful

Designed for middle school students to professionals, our high resolution images are perfect for all ages and stages of learning. Many of our images are inline with Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) standards.

PetroArc International has garnered success in our business portfolio by providing exceptional quality service with world-class virtual microscopy techniques. From eager young minds to seasoned professionals and scientists, we tailor virtual microscopy solutions for you.


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